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pushing sides up

reforming corner

holding position with angle braces

flush rivets to hold position

bands to hold tension

adjustable rear brace

flush rivets under the cowel


extra bracing for hitch

flush rivet to hold top of F09 flat

10/28 nut plates to hold nose cone in case hatch goes on nose to hold light baggage

for deburring in small places

scuff plate mount

trim used to prevent cable chaffing

HDPE used to prevent chafing on seat with flush pop rivets. These seats remind me of DC3 pilot seats.

chain roller added to reduce noise and bend

holder for steer column

auto door trim, self adhesive, used as bumper

two led penlights and two led arm bands used for lighting, penlights are attached with velcro attached rubber penlight holders. A real "head light".

nut plates and 10/28 screws

nut plates and 10/28 screws through a hole melted through the cover corner with a heated nail

fabricated mounting plate to hold speedometer base

The steer tube disconected from the U joint. A 1/8" roll pin has been inserted. If anyone wants the tube drilled I can help.

Wire routing from nose

Basta Rif Steady 6v LED tail light

Battery pack with micro toggle switch

ready to go Dec.19 6PM